This Is The Face of Genealogy

Fern family by cosmorama
Fern family, a photo by cosmorama on Flickr.
Emma & Joseph James Fern.
This photo is in response to the LA Weekly article that's causing a stir in the genealogy community, because of the picture that was originally posted to go with the article. Geneabloggers asked genealogy bloggers to post a photo that represents our family history.

The couple (my great-great grandparents) are what we call hapa-haole (half-white), both are half Hawaiian and the husband is half English, the wife, I have yet to find her caucasian ancestors, but she list's herself as hapa-haole in the 1890 census. Her 1st husband was Hawaiian/Portuguese and he had a Tahitian/Hawaiian 1st wife and a Hawaiian 2nd wife, this marriage being his 3rd. The children on the steps are the products of those marriages and represent the melting pot that is Hawaii.


  1. Great photo, and thanks for participating in the avalanche of photo posts for "The Face of Genealogy". I'm truly impressed with this community of writers.


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