Representatives of Hawaii off for St. Paul

~from the Pacific Commercial Advertiser, Wednesday, June 16, 1909.

Four delegates of the Christian Endeavor of the Territory of Hawaii, each representing an island, left on the Matson steamer Hilonian for the mainland yesterday, their destination being St. Paul, where they will attend the convention of the Christian Endeavorers. Those leaving were Rev. Moses K. Nakuina, president of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Territory, delegate from Hawaii; Judge William Werner, delegate from Kauai; ex-Judge Peter N. Kahokauluna, delegate from Maui, and Judge Archie S. Mahaulu, delegate from this island. A stay of five days will be made on the Coast,during which time the Hawaiian delegates may visit the convention of the C. E. organization in Pasadena. At the expiration of the five days they will, with three hundred other delegates from the State of California, board a special train en route to St. Paul, where the great meeting will be held. The St. Paul convention meets on July 7 and closes on the evening of July 12. The expenses of each of the Hawaiian delegates is borne by the members of the Christian Endeavor on the island which he represents. The delegates were given a great send-off down at the wharf yesterday morning just before the steamer sailed, being laden with leis.


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